Saturday, October 30, 2010

Belleville Rotary

We had our first group personal presentation at the Belleville Rotary Club which was a success. We seem to being going well at public speaking and Im sure we will be experts upon our return.

Belleville Newspaper

Childrens Aid Society

One of the first vocational visits was with Childrens Aid Society which is a child protection organisation equivalent to the NSW Dept of Community Services.
We met with the Executive Director, Len Kennedy (Stuarts Host Family) and his management staff.
The staff showed us around the organisation and I must say we were very impressed with the dedication and service that the organisation provided.
At lunch Melissa and Stuart gave presentations to the staff of CAS and executive directors from other local community mental health organisations. This was a great experience not only for ourselves but for all of the people involved as we could share our knowledge on an international scale.
We then proceeded on to view the services that CAS provided and observrd some of the processes that take place in a childrens welfare service.
Whilst leaving the facility we noticed that Len Kennedy had organised an electronic billboard sign saying "welcome Melissa and Stuart from Rotary Australia"...........

District Conference Presentation

We had now come to the time for our presentation that we had practiced very hard at for the past 4 months. We were a bit nervous, however, we did the District proud. Our presentation was an innovative idea as we were the first themed GSE.  Our presentation consisted of a case study of a young man's journey, Heath Temnall, through each of our current vocations.
We were successful at meeting our agenda and recieved great feedback from fellow Rotarians.

Whilst in Niagara Fallas we had the wonderful opportunity of meeting the Mayor R T Ted Salci.

Rotary District Conference 7070

It was now time for the District Conference in Niagara Falls. The team was surprised (except for the sarge) at the size of Niagara Falls as we did not expect it to be like Vegas.
We arrived at the Sheraton and checked in and thent went to view the majestic falls. After that we proceeded to dinner and then went to check out the Hospitality Suites hosted by various Rotary Clubs from the district.
The next day we all met for breakfast and listened to some of the guest speakers and also got an idea of what to expect when we do our presentations.
after this it was time to go on the Maid of the Mist and have a look at the falls close up. This was a great experience which we will never forget.
That night we went on to dinner and there was a band with Elvis, Jerry Lee Lewis and Johnny Cash impersonators. We think the 16 year old Elvis had a bit of a crush on Alyssa.
After this it was time to hit the town. We explored some of Niagara Falls' night clubs and the casino and found it to be interesting. Even our good friend Karen Baker from Belleville Rotary had a bit of a dance at the Firefly night club.

Cheese Factory and Niagara...

We had arrived in Toronto safely and then head off to Belleville. On arrival we met up with our host families and parted ways.
The next day we went for a tour of the wonderful Prince Edward County, a small island just off Belleville.
Whilst there we visited some of the local wine and cheese producers and sampled some of their delightfull products. We also visited the lake on the mountain which was fascinating as the lake was above the water level and there is still no theories to explain how this is.

We then went off to the Warring House for lunch then back to Belleville.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Sydney to Vancouver

we arrived in Vancouver on the 19th of October after a disasterous flight that went for 14 hours without any inflight movies or music.
Upon arrival we hired a limousine and head into town in style. Once downtown we checked in at the hotel and had to get our priorities straight, coffee. We were told to go to an establishment called 'Tim Hortons'. We had great expectations however these sadly were not met so our thirst for 'real coffee was still strong.
we head off into the city and went up the Vancouver Towere where we were confonted with the most spectacular view of Vancouver. After this we head off to Stanley Park. We hired bikes and cruised around the great park and seen our first squirrel and some seals frollicking in the water.
That night the team took me out for my birthday at the Keg restaurant. We all had a great time in Vancouver and were glad that we made the most of our stopover.